The CAPS/ACSP Executive is working to improve the Health & Wellness Resources we provide for postdocs and to build an inclusive, supportive, and connected national community to help ensure the wellbeing of our members.
The need for improved mental/emotional support was clear in the results of the CAPS/ACSP 2016 National Postdoc Survey, as many postdocs are struggling with stress, anxiety, and depression in Canada today.
Toward that goal, this page provides general advice on maintaining personal wellbeing as well as resources available to postdocs working across Canada.
4 Simple Tips to Maintain Wellbeing
Support for postdocs working in Canada
There are many mental health and wellness centres that offer anonymous 24 hour/day support in Canada as well as a large collection of online resources to bolster health and wellbeing. See below for a non-exhaustive list of links and telephone numbers to access support at the national and provincial/territorial levels. Local resources and support programs are also available for postdocs at most institutions and we encourage you to look into that information as needed.
National Resources:
Anxiety Panic Support
Bell Let’s Talk
Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (204-784-4073)
Canadian Mental Health Association (613-745-7750)
Collateral Damage (807-768-5217; Toll Free: 888-835-9041)
Mental Health Commission (613-683-3755)
Mood Disorders Society of Canada (519-824-5565)
Schizophrenia Society of Canada (1-800-263-5545)
The Jack Project (416-425-2494)
Your Life Counts (289-820-5777)
Your Life Counts – Military Directorate
Provincial/Territorial Resources (alphabetical):
Alberta Crisis Hotlines
Distress Centre (403-266-4357)
Alberta Resources
Canadian Mental Health Association – Alberta Division (780-482-6576)
Centre for Suicide Prevention (403-245-3900)
Suicide Information and Education Services (403-342-4966)
British Columbia Crisis Hotlines
Crisis Centre (Toll free: 1-800-784-2433; No area code: 310-6789)
British Columbia Resources
Aboriginal Wellness Program (604-875-6601)
Cdn Mental Health Association – BC Division (604-688-3234; Toll free: 1-800-555-8222)
Counselling B.C.
Here to Help (1-800-661-2121)
Youth in B.C. (Greater Vancouver: 604-872-3311; Other: 1-866-661-3311)
Manitoba Crisis Hotlines
Manitoba Suicide Line (1-877-435-7170)
Manitoba Resources
Canadian Mental Health Association – Manitoba Division (204-982-6100)
Klinic Community Health (204-784-4090)
Mental Health Education Resource Centre of Manitoba (1-855-942-6568)
New Brunswick Crisis Hotlines
Chimo Helpline (1-800-667-5005)
New Brunswick Resources
Cdn Mental Health Association – New Brunswick Division (506-455-5231)
Newfoundland and Labrador Crisis Hotlines
Coalition Against Violence (1-888-737-4668)
Newfoundland and Labrador Resources
Cdn Mental Health Association – Newfoundland & Labrador Division (1-877-753-8550)
Central Health
Northwest Territories Crisis Hotlines
Northwest Territories Help Line (867-767-9061)
Northwest Territories Resources
CASP – Northwest Territories Crisis Centre (1-800-661-0844)
Nova Scotia Crisis Hotlines
Capital Health – Mental Health Mobile Crisis (1-888-429-8167)
Nova Scotia Resources
Cdn Mental Health Association – Nova Scotia Division (1-888-429-8167)
Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia (902-464-6000)
Nunavut Crisis Hotlines
Nunavut Kamatsiaqtut Help Line (1-800-265-3333)
Ontario Crisis Hotlines
Gerstein Crisis Centre (416-929-5200)
Ontario Mental Health Helpline (1-866-531-2600)
Ontario Resources
Canadian Mental Health Association – Ontario Division (416-977-5580)
Connex Ontario Health Services (1-866-531-2600)
Crisis Line (Ottawa: 613-722-6914; Outside Ottawa: 1-866-996-0991)
Distress and Crisis Ontario (416-486-2242)
Do It For Daron (613-722-6521)
Family Association for Mental Health Everything (FAME) (416-207-5032)
Hincks-Dellcrest Centre (1-855-944-4673)
Ontario Association for Suicide Prevention (647-525-6277)
Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Services (1-800-341-6323)
Self-Help Resource Centre (1-866-283-8806)
Toronto Distress Centre (416-408-4357)
Toronto Rape Crisis Centre (416-597-8808)
Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council (844-437-3247)
York Support Services Network (1-866-695-0070)
Youthdale’s Crisis Support Team (416-363-9990)
Prince Edward Island Crisis Hotlines
The Island Helpline (1-800-218-2885)
Prince Edward Island Resources
Cdn Mental Health Association – PEI Division (902-566-3034)
Quebec Crisis Hotlines
Centre de Prevention du Suicide de Quebec (1-866-277-3553)
Quebec Resources
Action on Mental Illness (1-877-303-0264)
Centre de Prevention du Suicide du Haut-Richelieu (450-348-6300)
Movement Sante Mentale Quebec (514-849-3291)
Saskatchewan Crisis Hotlines
Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Service (306-933-6200)
Mobile Crisis Services (306-757-0127)
Saskatchewan Resources
Cdn Mental Health Association – Saskatchewan Division (1-800-461-5483)
Yukon Resources
Yukon Health and Social Services (1-800-667-8346)
Mood Disorders Society of Canada – Yukon Division (867-667-8346)
Depression Understood (403-668-9111)
To report a broken link or incorrect phone number, or to suggest the inclusion of additional resources for your fellow postdocs, please email or use our anonymous contact page.