
The International Consortium of Research Staff Associations (ICoRSA) – an international organization that provides a global voice for research staff and postdoctoral scholars with respect to international research policy.

Future of Research (FOR) – A US-based organization focused on creating a public discourse about the major issues affecting the future of biomedical research, including funding, training, metrics and incentives in science, and the structure of the workforce. This organization is largely driven by a network of early career scientists, including graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.

Future of Research (FOR) Canada– The Canadian arm of FOR, comprised of early career scientists (including grad students and postdocs) working in Canada.

The National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) – a nonprofit organization representing postdoctoral interests and advocating for improvements in postdoctoral policy at the national level in the US.




GrasPods – British Columbia Cancer Research Centre (BCCRC) Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Society – a nonprofit organization representing postdoctoral interests and advocating for improvements in postdoctoral policy at the national level in the US.



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